I feel it would be too easy to focus on 20 Things for 2040, because I'd rather double it and be into 40 Things for 2040...
1. I would feel it would be critical to have Local Jobs and Standards in the Right Hands (IE, No More Redressing NAFTA like a Barbie Doll, Enabling Problem Candidates for Public Office)
2. I would state that if anything, not get so soft that we'd go from Must See to Unwatchable ever again.
3. It is critical Money and Jobs get into the right hands (IE No Prison Labor, and No One Just Taking Things)
4. If Newspapers couldn't be a Solid 4 Section Monday-Saturday, it should be our responsibilities to not have it be a church daily or worse.
5. Impeachment would have to be much more serious than President Trump is making it into.
6. If we can't keep any combination of School and Full Days under Control if it is not Winter/Severe Weather and/or any unforeseen or extenuating circumstances that would be of a Time-Sensitive Period, people will not want to invest in us.
7. Coming back to home, we'd can't let Problem People live rent and mortgage free in the People's House (IE, No President Ryan Scenario or Better than that, Paroling Violent Predators to the Governor's Mansion.)
8. Biblical Numbers DO NOT Work with Problem Citizens! (Other than eliminating Parole Chances, I'd rather would cap every Prison Sentence at 50 Years and anything above or elevated commissions would be eligible for the Death Penalty)
9. I would find no honor in Infamous Trials and not only that, if the perp was more ambiguous than Violent Perps, and we had no trial, we'd really spin the wheel against Women's Justice.
10. To Cap the National/World Section, people are not stupid about books or cooked books.
11. I would start the Local Section with the Expulsion Process, which Problem Students/Faculty/School Employees/Personalities do not get anything other than being locked up with No Bail and No Bond.
12. Let's get serious about being "For The Kids" instead of mindlessly luring people to Iowa like it is the land of plenty. "For The Kids" would literally be For the Children and their Faculty and their Children/Students as well. I would rebel if we had to be degraded into More than 4 Day Weekends Every Weekend.
13. This is not Iowa pertinent, but, it does come around in time and I would not want Community College Caliber Classes at Iowa like Cal. That is dangerous, because you'd encourage Problem Adults to get a better deal than that of Apartments, and we don't have enough "Good Kids" to seal the doors out of State like we where all the way Grassroots.
14. Safe Shopping and Safe Jobs keep our Schools Safe. I do not want to see where Hollywood or Trucks would outstrip Local Jobs and the ability to volunteer able-body to keep our home safe.
15. This would be veer on the Tara and the Monica, even if your 6 or 46 or whatever. Babies would always grow and develop and I feel like development is not uncomfortable relativity, and I am hurt and jerked when we can't even make Door to Door Local Policy.
16. We can hook up from anywhere, literally, but, when character teeters into a tie, that gets out of control.
17. If it is something that can't readily be done at home, that is a serious problem.
18. If you let a kid go to College instead of Daycare, they'd learn bad habits and be more aloof when their peers become College Aged.
19. I feel we'd need a Top to Bottom Overhaul of Medicine as unseen as we'd ever have.
20. Technology is as good as the People around it.
21. I would start the Sports Page with if you where expelled/dismissed/finished from a Sports League and had Talent, no one will let you train! I am explicitly saying this because Antonio Brown tried to keep coming back up like a Bad Penny until the Police Athletic League cut him off and ended his training.
22. We have USOC Worthy Training Grounds that did not exist in the Mid 1980s everywhere. People put their hard earned time and money into safe grounds and stadiums. People only want to buy tickets if they know it is safe and marketable.
23. We should call down Scam Artists or Scam Artists in the ruse of Training. Not even on a real team. Training! It shows that you couldn't even move your way around a Real Campus with Real Everyday People without being a problem to other people.
24. This is still on that tangent, Roger De Coster's "Practice School" Strategy holds weight. It holds weight because James Stewart kept getting hurt. It holds water when you can't even go to School Offline. (It's all fun and games until the Software Guy/Girl Blocks You or You Don't Get Any Textbooks) It moves mountains when you can't even have a 2nd Semester.
25. Preparedness starts at the opposite time of when your In Season.
26. I wish more Kids would have learned off of Steve Evans as in "Kids, Don't Try This at Home!"
27. If Bob Stoops was not lured down to "The Ballpark at Arlington" (Original Name), he would have been the Head Seminole instead of Jay Norvelli. (It would have made for a more solid program instead of having to wait for the 1st End of Season Firing Since 1975)
28. I am going direct to the front, never Hire Someone You'd Only Fire 3 Years Later to keep spinning the tapestry against School.
29. False Narratives do not fly well, especially if your one of the longest true Postseason Eligible Hexes Every Step of the Way. (Art Briles in Rhode Island would cost Wins and Rhode Island's Image!)
30. Young should be if your Under 30 and Actually Achieving. (If it was the other way, we'd be the Garth Brooks Song)
31. ABCDMW would be the 6 Most Feared Letters to deter an Entertainment Lead as much as Iowa having a different version of Airbag "AIRBHG"
32. We are contracting Multiple Older Hollywood in a Sense that it is running course in a Big Way.
33. Fortune is not all Financial.
34. People Command Whole Newspapers, even if it gets other people upset.
35. People have the right to see Jobs Offline and In the Newspaper.
36. If the Google Search and the Log are One in the Same, That is Breaking News the Wrong Way.
37. There is reason for Standards and Ethics.
38. Death is not an Olympic Sport. (This would be more relevant to Partitions 11-20, and the Right to Know would be 1-10, Within Reason, and if it was for Nothing, it would unnerve and jar a lot of orbits.)
39. Homer Simpson Syndrome is a Pain and having as many jobs as Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin is no compliment.
40. If an area is buzzing and it is not New York or Los Angeles, people have problems.
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