Sunday, November 4, 2018

Rutgers Has to Recruit and Develop

Basically, I am piling on how Rutgers hysterically misguided leadership has been a roar Post-Schiano, where it is not just Schiano wholesaling his future with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and being a job blocker at Tennessee, but, Rutgers has to recruit the Castle with a clear head.

Their Big Ten Membership, like Maryland's, was a kowtow to Penn State. And, there are a lot of problems I'd rattle off, Car Thefts, Fighting in the Club, Fighting at the Press Conference, Problems With Women and what makes the pot frothy and dark, is the Attempted Murder Plot that makes the State and New York/New Jersey look worse than they really are.

They aren't close to upsetting Miami, even though they would have had Miami stayed in the Big East. But, give it time, Rutgers can and will recruit Montreal to Miami like it is their gameboard.

And, Rutgers can't keep running into these problems that easy. I am thinking having to break the Commander in Chief Rivalry, and you'd have a multitude of Universities within a car drive in the Northeast. And, it spills over into quality prospective students, and you don't always have a bevy of High School Graduates.

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