Friday, July 15, 2022

Alex Stein's Sexual Assault of AOC is No Laughing Matter

 Alex Stein's Harassment of AOC smacks down of Sexual Assault and I feel since Plano, he has gotten Cringier and Creepier. If that where me, I would have been rotting and decaying in White House Jail.

What Alex Stein is doing is encouraging other Copycats to do obscene behavior and you don't harass people at their House or their House. Nothing good comes out of Harassing AOC.

If it was Season 32 of the Real World, it would have brought the Puck Reflex to 100,000,000. Alex Stein hates people that aren't him and he'd want to Score for Free.

What is not funny is Women do not want to be Scored for Free. I thought I was the "Live, Score, and Be Happy" and he takes it further.

Politics has to weed out these characters, because they have been inundating anything and everything, including Local News.

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