Friday, January 5, 2018

On That July 18th....

I feel like having to extend beyond my rants and try to at least graze wide openly beyond the San Diego Chargers, The Los Angeles Expansions, The Houston Oilers and the Baltimore Colts Revivals which are needed worser than Will, Grace, Roseanne and Laurie Metcalf.

I feel Tom Brady ask for stuff above Phillip A. Esposito, Raymond Bourque, Bobby Orr, Larry Bird and Ted Williams would ever want. I feel my negotiation piece with the New England Patriots is have an American Revolution Reenactment Troupe, a Civil War Troupe, which one already fires the muskets for every Touchdown, a Family Guy Troupe, or Dunkin' Donuts have a Freakin' Sweet Lead on an Ice Cold American Story. Hey, we could see Brian Hoyer work his way to incumbant Hoyer, and Cleveland would outwork you like a Stadium Janitor.

And, I feel in Titletown, just letting Brett Huntley have a reason not to get a Bus Ticket out of Milwaukee needs to be plausiable. And, Wisconsin Needed the Packers to make the Playoffs. I think the Arena League has to work to where they can't be replaced by Cons at Cons, or Ex-Cons at Cosplay Conventions, picking up the Women who have no other safe harbor.

To be frank, I feel we'd need Seattle and Louisville to open camp after Labor Day just to shut down Oklahoma stealing Seattle's Past.

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