Friday, February 9, 2018

A Dang Ol' Spent Force is better than No Force

I mean, I can't pretend to tell even a dang ol' spent force is better than no force. Even though I'd have to invoke Boomhauer of King of the Hill, but, there has to be better ways than letting a real life Quagmire get so laid back that there is no push to win.

Being corporate is a necessary evil, but, I feel the danger is the field and the business is daring to finish certain mercuries before they arrive at arenafootball2 again or heaven forbid, the Center of the Universe in New York City. I feel if Nebraska doesn't have Dr. Tom Osborne the same like Arkansas didn't have Frank Broyles, I feel the disfunction and isolation would run hand in hand.

And, it would be wild and dangerous to let anyone run the house, let alone have curiousity rove over wishful economics. And, I don't see anything imaginary with a core going out quicker than who won the SEC for Mississippi in Football.

And, even if it was a trade, there'd be no "Switch a Side". And, even though the cream of the crop would rise, but, people don't just fall for nothing.

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