Sunday, February 4, 2018

Logan Tago earned Washington State an Unwanted Pegasaurus Rex Agony over his Community Service Award

I feel Logan Tago earned Washington State a very rude and very angry unwanted Pegasaurus Rex agony for his Court Ordered Community Service Award. Other than being a combo of Pegasus and Tyransaurus Rex, like a T-Rex couldn't do harm on the air.

And, what's cold to me is the Women's and The Women's Sports Community would be wrecking balls smashing into Spokane like problems with Women never left Spokane. The only rub, is Wazzu lost their QB to his own hand, and I feel madder that  Logan Tago  was earning an award when he would have been dismissed and incarcerated.

I am not a callout blog. I feel I try to be honorable, peaceful and a family show. But, I am upset Mike Leach is not running an honorable program. It is not advanced like Kansas State, Northwestern and Florida. What badgers me is ex-boss Moos was getting tired of the clashes with adminstration in Pullman and Lincoln is in disarray like they need Grass Green, not an astroturf.

And, what the Farmers would get irate over, like no other state's Farmers had a historical hold on an in state rivalry, is Washington misses their oppurtunitites to return to giant again and Washington State is not disciplined, even for the West. And, Fulmer Cup (Football and Student Athletic) Demerits do not stay isolated to 1 Person, and they are people who are not in control of their emotions and people who can't practice or play without regularly losing it, drinking or drugging like elders didn't matter, resorting to violence or any or all 3.

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