Friday, February 9, 2018

Is Jayru Campbell another Jo Jo Hunter?

I feel there are somber resmblenances, and not happy ones in Jayru Campbell being another Jo Jo Hunter. I feel the American Trucks would not love the surge of Detroit Public School Products on their Forests and I doubt there'd be parole boards willing to move Jayru to freedom.

Mackin Catholic is largely a memory in a DC that was vibrant and full of its day's unicorns. And, I feel half of America has mastered the art of selfish wealth, but, running to avoid storms or deterring them is another matter.

And, historically, Cass Tech has never just chugged away at being a Football Factory for everyone. Generally, it always has been Michigan and Notre Dame. We pay the man for not having Best Sports or Best Game.

The way we make a powerhouse is stop throwing cash like salad. I am serious. And, if you have to keep making for the Theater High Major just so she can't just go to Hollywood  is fools' gold, if not a full on scam.

And, if anyone tries Buy Local like it was a frenetic and neurotic program who can't just make the NCAA Tournament to save their wing, people will howl to Venus, or the Women's Building like it was Tyrese and Usher Tickets. Roses are Red, We are Supposed to be Blue like Kentucky and people see through anyone who sells them too great.

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