Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Football Pension: How Other Non-AFL Pro Football Pensions Exist or Not Exist at All

Even though American Football League Alumni where grandfathered into the NFL Pension Program, and with the exponental living Worldwide American Football League Alumni is dwindling, but, I feel the sadness, is how would other Pro Football Leagues Pensions (Past or Present) would be mangled.

We don't go into these things ONLY thinking the end result. It would be very wasteful only to think that way. But, I am sure the Arena Football League and arenafootball2's Initial League Pension History would be skeletal.

And, I feel as if kinetically, we'd throw everything into everything and get little out of it. While we get little out, I wonder if the CFL Pension is still in ship-shape?

And, what wild is too many of the Independent,Semi Pro or Minor League Owners played fast and loose. And, even now, MD's cost Money and you'd need to make your money on Merchandise to evade the Cobras from looting your vault.

It 2019, a 3 Ring Carnival that won't take a knee any time soon and I feel the digs would have to be deeper

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