Friday, May 24, 2019

Focusing on the Wrong Cars and Games

I feel guilty, if not terrible, all decade, we've focused on the Wrong Cars and Games. I feel from experience that the Sports Games should be eSports, but, they are not, and we have fewer Pontiac Fans than Alfa Romeo Fans, which I could never forgive for their Early 1990s IndyCar Fiasco.

The playground is never easy, trust me on this one. I feel like what has to be wrong is going from defending their Mom to picking up everyone's Mom in a matter of years. Nobody really wants to stay in one place.

The only thing the Dot Com Bubble made was made it expensive and uneasy to stay in the field of your choosing. And, we have not resolved the headiness that caused the comedowns to worsen to start out with.

I loathe why we focused on the Wrong Cars and Games and the end result is a space invasive, why no one can win anything big or meaningful. Everyone wants to join eSports for instant riches and glory that they could not get at home.

Influencers are worrisome, especially when you have people who want legitamate fame and fortune.

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