Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Fact Nate Boulton hasn't changed his Stripes is Scary

I am not convinced Nate Boulton has changed his stripes, especially with his Elmo-Sized Smile. And, sadly, his stripes have bled through everything he does. One, being in the period where Binge Drinking AND Social Drinking became one in the same, that is terrifying.

And, two, the part that drives people crazy, is, he's had problems with Women. And, three, there will be political pressures for him to either resign or get disbarred, and I think the Wheels on the Bus will fall off when his Wife files for divorce and plays like its Winner Take All, Loser Gets Jack.

And, we are in a period where we need to moore someone half-good to the bigger office, and we'd don't just throw moves around on anyone. And, I think too, I am under the impression it will come down to disbarrment and impeachment.

And, we are the state, sadly, where one guy and only one guy clots State Government's Existance to the point we'd have to do something about it.

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