Friday, July 20, 2018

A Great Sports Video Game Helps Publicize Your Sport

Video Games are not everything. Sports are not everything. But, what is everything is a Great Sports Video Game helps publicize your sport. And, if we had a more complete Indy 500 Evolution that was not victim to terrible timing and actually getting Sir Jackie Stewart's camp to say yes to Video Games would be as huge as recapping The Godfather as a Video Game.

As a roleplayer, I'd love nothing sweeter than just to mop the 1972 Penske Mark Donohue "Unfair Advantage" on a Roadster Period, or actually outmatch 1990s and 2000s Open Wheel with the F2004, which is Racing Perfection, at the track that said Racing Perfection, Richmond Raceway. And, it would be fun to actually play Cars you Want to See, or even design, to win.

I mean, it would do more than the stereotypes. And, it would cojone problem solving in a hurry. And, it means the same as Sports Movies, and the properness of the slate always matters. And, I feel the NHRA needs to do a more complete Dirt to Daytona, because Cyberspace doesn't do Paint Justice, and Member Tracks could do a more complete Online/Offline Slate because I'd love to see more Funny Cars, too.

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