Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Missouri will be in the Men's Basketball Final Four in 2 Years

I feel sick and mad the present state of Mizzou Tiger Men's Basketball has caused more whining than winning and I would want to see Mizzou Tiger Men's Basketball make the Men's Basketball in 2 Years. I feel this is a big statement, particularly from a Sports Fan who is a Sportsman, and not anyone affliated with the Tigers Basketball Department.

If they hire Cuonzo Martin from Out West like they said, it would hurt Tennessee's Mens Basketball Division Worse, with a Rick Barnes that left Texas Hoops a mess, having to fight Roy and Coach K for recruits, and having to fight the one guy they fired or the NCAA was going to, Bruce Pearl, for Atlanta.

And, the similarly potted tale of Wes Washpun going from East Tennessee, making them vinegar and vulgar, via the Ozarks at their leanest Basketball Time, and to Northeast Iowa. But, I feel there are certain things I'd see happening at Mizzou in the next 24 Months.

And, I really want to see a lid to the Post-Norm Stewart Mayhem in Columbia. And, I feel having Mizzou getting back to respectable in College Basketball would help tilt the scales of recruiting, and strengthen great rivalries rather than weaken or delete them to the memory bank.

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