Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Why Not Bring Back the Baltimore Colts if we know Irsay won't be a Long Term Owner in the future?

I feel like, in the frosty early days this spring, why not potentially go all the way back on returning the Colts name to Baltimore if Robert Irsay where to sell the present day Indianapolis Colts and let the new owner have a say on their name in Indiana, as their records would have started in 1984.

I feel in the past, it would have been shouted, dismissed or dropped from the sky with no parachute. I feel the East Coast would need their team and family back from Montreal to Miami and my detail nuance on the Helmet would have been 70s Gold Vinyl, immortalizing the Last Baltimore Colts NFL Title and the Lone Super Bowl Win of the Baltimore Colts.

What I feel, is completion or recompletion of the East Coast Football Family. I don't necessarily want to carrot interstate commerce moves to remake True Expansion vs. what stuff we got, but, it would free us the Black and Blacker Motif and what I'd like to see restored in the Football Family is Presentation.

Fair or not, I feel like we don't have any present Baltimore Colt Products or Identities answering the NFL Phone or those that played or coached as a Baltimore Colt or St. Louis Football Cardinal. But, I can't stand Irsays Leo-Like Substance Abuses and I feel like seeing what options are on the table if the Irsays didn't have a next generation or next generation interest to the team.

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