Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Raising Iowa City to Blue Ribbon Golden Apple Again

I feel in Iowa City, they need to have a big hand in our sports and other fortunes, especially if they revived Southeast Iowa from the Penetentarial Rustiness. Even though Iowa City is a long way from being a true Blue Ribbon/Golden Apple, but, I feel the wayward sons and daughters can't just lose themselves in Iowa City or worse, not be a Little Hawk or Man or Woman of Troy in Alumni Association or Class Reunion.

Fathers Day in recent years has earned contention, even though it has not been around as long as Mother's Day. I feel like in the lost message, carry something, even if it is honest representation of the Women's Community, which Generation X's Women lose at the wheel. I have said in the past, for as much concert fests Iowa City has, I feel they need Hollywood and the Cover of the Rolling Stone for good as opposed to an omnibus.

Having the longest serving Division I Scholarship Football Coach with the longest serving Hockey Head Coach and the lone Hockey Rivalry helmed by fiery lightning rods of Head Coaches doesn't mean as much outside the Sportsman unless we have heart. And, we throw more money than heart in this turf, even if it means saving my and a lot of different people relatives lives and lifetimes.

What I think Iowa City Schools is doing is guilting an Iowa City Public into making Liberty have proper athletic facilities and deterring that expense and making Liberty into champions just to pay the house as long as it wasn't my or anyone else program. We don't have a Little Bill today to rise out of the shadows to save from marking a community or family as "Jerry's Kids", even with the largesse of Non-Profits, and to add assault to injury, we wouldn't need City High violently undisciplined like the 1970s and we don't need Iowa City High and Iowa City West as piggishly and recklessly off their books like CR Washington and Des Moines East.  Image is what we leave for the world, and we don't want to look like a Midwestern Denver and we don't want Madison to look no better than Ottumwa.

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