Saturday, April 30, 2022

Trevor Bauer is NOT Going to be a Garfield Styled Ham

 Trevor Bauer is NOT Going to be a Garfield Styled Ham and if he came to my doorstep, I would call the Police ASAP! I feel Baseball, even now, has hard and fast rules and they'd include Don't Bet on Baseball, Don't Take Illicit Drugs including Steroids, and Don't Put Peoples Lives in Danger. Trevor Bauer is guilty of 2 of the 3 Counts and he will worsen his Stalking and Sexual Assaults without Money.

They tried to remake Jose Canseco into a Garfield Styled Ham after Reality TV, but, in reality, he sold out a Generation of Hall of Famers. I'd feel that I would have burnt if my City took Jameis Winston, and I don't think reclaiming Trevor Bauer is in anyone's best interest.

I would wonder what if Trevor Bauer was Black or another Minority? Would he have been Paddywagoned to LA County Jail ASAP instead of being allowed to be a Cool Guy? The only problem there is it is not just LA County having to put together the Paddywagon.

Trevor Bauer is responsible for a Winter Long Baseball Strike and that is putting it charitably. Losing 3 Years will not make Trevor Bauer Bankable or Approachable in Society, either.

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