Thursday, May 24, 2018

What Would Happen If the Washington Redskins Where For Sale?

I have a perversely weird feeling what if a real program with real honor came up for sale, and not just another if Irsay sells the Colts, the Baltimore Colts will be back in Business and that's not just idle chatter to me. But, if the Washington Redskins where for sale, I'd feel everyone in the DMV would jump on the club.

And, I feel like this is a Real Beast of the Southeast, and also helped build Playbooks by the Oak. And, what you'd need on the City Bus is Player and Cheerleader Tryouts and Season Ticket Sales. And, with the DC United just as willing to be schlocky over Rooney and locking horns with their Central American Core for no good reason.

And, what is alien is the Lunch Pail Mentality of Everyone's Team instead of perversely bleeding the soul out of a team and a city. Rebuilding a forest would be tricky, but, not ticking off The Sports Machine, Wilbon, and NASCAR Now would be a start.

And, I feel it is a Yo Yo Diet most fans rebelled against a long time ago. If Dan Snyder had to sell the Washington Redskins, it'd be to save himself from himself. And, there would be enough Beaver, Duck, Bat, and Weasel to deep fat fry until you'd got nothing like it is chicken.

And, what you got was the decentralizing of a Central Nervous System in RFK,  and what money you throw at Metra wouldn't fix everything like Jeff Greens expecting to do a lot and disappoints you for what little. And, if we needed to build carousels, and not just slack off, where are our capitalists?

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