Sunday, May 13, 2018

Art after Art: I do feel Original Art and Sports Pay the Sponsors

I feel like we are in a period that we don't want to anger the Gorilla of the Pros, but, instead, it feels perfectly and perversely normal to do the Black Noir of Revivals on the Ground. And, destruction ain't OK, and losing fixtures like Sir Alex drive me crazy.

I feel better about Art after Art of Original Art and Original Sports Pay Them Sponsors. And, what I do feel is wanting to fortify Professionalism like a Forty Yard Dash in Lore or Josh Allen full on running like Seneca Wallace to take that division to Western New York, the Land of Richie Evans, Jerry Cook and Unrealized Legends.

It feel like the Part in "Rise and Shine" that I could relate to is how J. Cole lost it against these copycat MCs who really only cared about Black and Other Minority Exploitation. And, I feel we hadn't had that art that just soaked like a Typhoon Alderman that will not quit.

I don't think I would have lent Giggitys if Family Guy needed to get booted for good. Or let them be allowed to be snatched like Brooklyn Nine-Nine. And, I'd feel like a Gorilla just to have Darrell Gwynn back on any NHRA National Event Again, and we had Big Back Again like it was Larger than Life.

The moral of this story, dedicate yourself to the art and do quality great.

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