Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Operation Paper Planes: How to Outsmart Musk in His Projects

I feel if the infamous Underground Railroad is no better than the roads I've ridden on at home, but, I feel there'd have to be project safety projections to not repeat Elon Musk's Mistakes.

I feel lighting, or even a chandelier has to be built in. I am serious, and I feel the copycat mentality in copying the Big Dig would mean no patience and no money. And, if we built in and out the Subway System through America, it'd be Buy a Sub, Ride the Rails.

It would have to be bigger than the Sewer System and big enough to hide a Rocket to drive on down to Cape Canerval at any Old Time. It would be finding a still racable Red Bull IndyCar and hooning through the Lincoln Tunnel.

I doubt Civic Aldermen would be with it. Nor, do they want to risk Civic Reelection Votes on Anything. I feel a better way would be formally dig the Information Superhighway a Worthwhile and Overdue Interstate.

And, Mr. Musk's Action Point Fixation is dopey and half-baked at best.

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