Sunday, December 2, 2018

What Would A Relocated Houston Aeros Revival Do?

I feel through the grapevine, when the Phoenix Coyotes move to Houston, I feel what would a relocated Houston Aeros do, for the lack of anything better? I would think for 2019-2020, relocating the Colorado Avalanche into the Pacific to make up for the loss of the Arizona Coyotes and they'd be split back out for the Seattle Supersonics.

And, I feel there would be a defacto Winter Olympic Sports Record Book Historical Society. I know i've howled and howled it for years, even when my feelings got stamped, even if it is be prepared for a No and get back to work. And, I feel like Detroit will momentarily be back in the West so Nashville could be East with Columbus.

And, the trickier part would be 2020-2021 where Colorado would be elastic to the Central and I feel there'd have to at least be one attempt in Chicago keeping their Original 6 Count from going lopsided.

And, the license to play teacher like the real one threw red hot grease down the drain at the thought of an earthy World is subservient and forced down. But, if Houston gets their team, I feel with Hartford and Quebec City, Milwaukee and Atlanta are due for a Promotion.

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