Thursday, December 22, 2016

Being Thankful for my Great Athletes and Being Angry at the Destructive Athletes

I know that the way I was raised, being thankful only needs to be brought up either in the Holidays or if someone saved my life or my life from corrections or being a parapalegic. I feel thankful for my Great Athletes because they work too hard, they don't always get credit, payments or national sponsors.

But, I feel mad and flip at the destructive athletes. I wish that, too, why is it so easy to hold in Demarcus Cousins better than Ryan Leaf in Sacramento? Jayru Campbell's radioactive to the Big Ten Line, and that's why Michigan State fell off nastier than Southern Miss, Notre Dame having 900 and Not Enough for Brian Kelly and Oklahoma finding their Nasty Old Bear Traps to be the Black Hats of the Midwest again.

If Grayson Allen was Kansas, he'd have problems getting to class, because he'd see no reason to do his books while suspended. In reality, he is Duke and he narrowly led a win over Tennessee State they should have wind-sprinted to the ocean and not out of a Chicagoan Rush Hour in Raleigh-Durham. Usually, when an athlete's suspended indefinitely, they'd slack off on their books worse than someone who wants to forget all about their workload.

I've had too many Brilliant, But Destructives and Destructive and Destructives in my life. I don't like how the destruction is now being too common because everyone insecure.If anyone's called Spiderman in Law Enforcement, its no honor. People work too hard just to see their heroes not return the favor just to live rent and mortgage free.

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