Saturday, December 3, 2016

Staying on my "Refuse to Lose" like the 24

I feel like I am staying on my "Refuse to Lose" like the 24, even though I haven't been one in a generation. I know the editorial nuts would lose it if I said Penn State's 8 Year Quest to another Conference Title felt like 16, but, I have no promises on Angry Valley's Next 8 Years being good, ok or without end of season firing of the Head Football Coach of Penn State Football.

I don't like to rehash the 2000s just to rehash them, but, Penn State was incensed to play a "Road" Game at the Rose Bowl against Oregon State where not even 90 Days Before, they hosted Oregon State at Beaver Stadium when the economy unwittingly was en route to freeing itself. But, the moores of the program went with no recognition vs. Nebraska in the Polls and the Home Field Advantage at Beaver Stadium and the rest of the program is still rolling Montreal to Miami all over the place.

I feel creaming Iowa like it was TCU is not confidence. With Penn, Pitt, and Penn State Families and Towns all over Pennsylvania, I feel replacing Beaver Stadium, the longtime onetime NCAA Attendance Champion is not a little thing. I don't see Texas cream Maryland the same way that Penn State beat Iowa.

As I keep on trucking on this vestiage, I tend to wonder if people stay on their refuse to lose like the 24 or just dumb out when the money came or the status? Certainly, fighting to win has nothing to do with actually brawling. Or, actually acting funny and just shremping the post game presser with the Super Bowl.

I feel people can't remake and remake without one day building new. I feel responsibility is lost and can't be found and if we had to have a Baltimore Colts Revival, I'd feel that East Coast Football would need to be owed their team again, even if we had to vinyl Gold in lieu of Blue or White Vinyl.

Certainly, I don't think people would be happy megayachts are megasieves that keep leaking no matter how much money or repairs you try. If it was easier to tell the tale vs. face public mockery, the tale would be easier, but, at what price? I'd like to see Spain and South Korea fight for the last Summer Basketball Olympic Slot like loose balls, but, too many tired questions would break like how far Spain's Olympic Fortunes crashed harder and quicker than ever over be the hero in Barcelona and the jerk in Seoul and the fact would have been is they'd do nothing but party in Tokyo and look sloppy vs. the United States like they had a choice. The only issue with looking smart is we didn't have the same schlock or 1 Liner Tolerance in the 17 Months between the 1970s Ended and MTV's Birth in 1980 and 1981 like we do now.

What I'd feel hot about Oregon's issue is 1. A lot of it is budgetary. 2. Just hiring anyone just to keep them from Notre Dame won't do any good. 3. I think the Chip Kelly disclipline break not only broke the 1 Voice, 1 State, 1 Team Ethic, but, the Wins rained left and right with the loss in respect over LaGarrette Blount. 4. I feel as if certain programs can't lose their leader, no matter how many times going past rivalry week and 5. I feel the cleats are Black, White or Team Color Within Reason, because, I don't think people want to be remember the merchandise or plastered ceaselessly with no budget or respect to trademark.

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