Sunday, July 16, 2017

Durham Bulls, The World's Most Famous Major League Team?

We are aware that MLB Expansion will heat up and who will join the Montreal Expos is going to be a true Wild Card. I feel for as much as I tried to "Sister City" Expansion the Sacramento River Cats as the Sacramento Solons, but, beyond Charlotte and Buffalo and Las Vegas and Memphis and even Des Moines and Oklahoma, I feel from a fame standpoint, the Durham Bulls would be promoted.

Not social media, fame. What would be weird post- radical realignment is ready made regional rivalries with the Braves, Marlins, and the Astros. I feel the challenges is selling up 21 More Games and having to have the Bulls be in charge of the Minor League System.

There is quite frankly, a lot to digest and you'd already have a well rooted Regional, National and International Fan Base from the dirt of the Carolina League all the way up to Hollywood and the International League.

In practice, we'd having to be accountable for Oklahoma City, Sacramento and Raleigh Durham's 1st True Expansions at some point because in the end, it is about business and all 3 have World Class Baseball Stadiums and I feel there has to be a consideration here for the Durham Bulls.

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