Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Why Not Promote Sacramento to Major League Baseball Expansion?

Sacramento has been part of 1st Division Pro Sports Since 1985 and I feel instead of trying to degrade the city back to Waterloo, I feel I want to promote legitamacy in Pro Sports vs. being a plant.

I would revive the Sacramento Solons name, their baseball identity until their decade drought until the Kings, and I feel why not have an interrelationship with Solon,IA and try to take back the merchandising movement instead of Minor League Baseball, the Movie?

I feel everyone's World Class and the obvious thing, is it is safety that leads us to World Class Status than Historic John O'Donnell Riverfront Stadium. Let's pretend here,  we'd have the aspirational hippie, the loudmouth announcer who'd be a Howard Cossell Impersonator, and reenact Longmire for the heck of it.

I feel all joking aside, let's raise Sacramento to the sky and have them be legit in Pro Sports and not just another carnival. I feel like I want to see Sacramento not just be in the Bigs, but, be at Solon Beef Days every year and have the annual Cedar Rapids Kernels vs. Sacramento Solons Beef Days Baseball Series?

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