Thursday, July 20, 2017

It is over for Oakland-Alameda Coliseum and Arena

I feel like having to call demolition time over Oakland-Alameda Coliseum and Arena, which is poster and problem child for Bigger is not Better. And, I am going to only cut to the chase. We are better off transferring the Raiders to Berkeley and we are better off transferring the A's to Las Vegas.

And, having to cull Oakland Arena is the last active 2nd 6 Arena in Business, and that is far from flattering and far from honorable. I feel if we'd have Commissioner Selig still, we'd have Oakland Coliseum be drug to relic status when there are more than 1 Call to replace Fenway, Wrigley and Dodger.

But, I feel like the biggest Football Game was De La Salle's last football loss until 2004. And, with them still being a Texas Star in an area where there aren't any, that is the highest compliment. And, what is not cute by any means, is the Raiders move had everything to do with the Oakland Coliseum, and other than having to throw flag to keep them from leaving the Western United States altogether, or returning to LA or Raiding San Diego, it never was ever about Raider Nation.

I feel the MLB has to implore having the A's Play in Las Vegas permenantly and having to implore the Raiders into transferring to Berkeley in 2017.

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