Thursday, September 20, 2018

Blizzard Patrol: I feel the Dallas Mavericks are better off WITHOUT Mark Cuban

I feel this delinquency of a Commissioner Needling reign of Mark Cuban needs to end. And, I feel for being the only Dallas Teams who'd actually play in Dallas, there needs to be more.

I am thinking the Stars Name would be in the rearview only because a bunch of ticked off citizens want their name back. But, the Mavericks hard case has to be infuritating, especially with no proper Opening Night.

I feel Dallas Basketball and Olympic Sports need more than a step up. To me, for the outsized goals and unrealized expectations, I feel an aggravation in the serious lack of outreach unless your big.

And, I feel there has to be a second focus on hiring Minority Ladies as much as Minorities. It feels like the load bearing matters are breaking and I feel tired as much as anyone else.

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