Sunday, September 9, 2018

Outperformance Fatigue

It's one thing to outperform once or twice. But, as a society, we are in Heat and Outperformance Fatigue. Heat Fatigue would be if crisises made us Vote, and Outperformance Fatigue is when nobody else could fill the position, let alone a decent buyout or in.

And, I feel like we are forlorn for those of us that are here. I feel there has to be at least one good talent and not a running bad joke.

And, you have to have a Job before you can endorse anything. Even though I sound like I really really need coherence, I really really need all that coherence. We are expensive in the Wrong Areas, but, not having enough of anything great.

And, I don't think being broken the Wrong Way is good.

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