Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Throwing the Barstool At Barstool Sports Future

I have to speak for the Women's and Women's Sports Community long before another ToonKritical or Higher Tragedy blows the doors out 8 Ways from Monday Morning. What The Athletic is trying to do is have top level Local Sports Columnists as theirs. But, what Barstool is doing is crossing the line, getting back in line, crossing the line again, and getting back in line LIKE nothing ever will happen.

I feel as if I am raised on Standards, Prefer Standards, and doing the Bid to Rearrange the Correct Motor Sports Homes out of my own Pocket if I had to. And, while we are at this, I'd want to feel the San Francisco Chronicle and Oakland Post actually vibe off Great Rock and Roll and San Francisco Seals Hockey on the front page of their papers like nothing else.

I don't think standards came with this immense and violent of a falloff of the Great Recession. And neither did ethics, and how many times I would have cussed the Heavens for moves and blizzards that never happened around me would have been deeper than some farmers.

To be frank, I feel Mr. Khan is only out to make a Name for Himself. I don't know if it is not out of my mind to believe if the South Georgia/North Florida Community would be the Stadium Unit to deter Mr. Khan from taking their team overseas. Jacksonville made and unmade Limp Bizkit, and amid other things, feeling like they should be the head of the Record Books. And, no solving problems around Empty Billions would be a worse nightmare for us.

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