Friday, July 19, 2019

Corporate Responsibility vs. Wasted Joyrides

I feel there are so many people out and about that Corporate Responsibility is repose. I do not find any joy in Wasted Joyrides, even if the Fuel Prices are not repressive. Would wildly throwing money at merchandising if your a Non-Profit resolve everything?

I am not cheery and I doubt just hiring anyone for key matters due to the lack of people and jobs helps. I think we are short a lot of areas, and I'd much rather have the Rubber Chicken and Hotel Reservation that comes with it, mind you.

Mindlessness is not a good image. It is worse that we'd have the Lottery Tickets, but no wealth.

There is no joy in just getting rich quick just to get rich quick. It is a family show and everything is a privilege, and I doubt just rolling in as a Sitcom Writer would help other than actually wanting to Go To Work.

There'd be nobody throwing chunks of their coffers to keep key Schools alive. Consolidation would be Controversial, but, the alternative would be letting Hope and Employment and even empowerment go away.

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