Friday, July 19, 2019

The Expulsion Process Should Mean Equal Handbooks (Within Reason)

I am feeling like even today, in 2019, wanting to pump up the Expulsion Process at the School System. I feel rotten, amid other things, having Iowa win the Academic Fulmer Cup (Bygones be Bygones it ain't), with different people messing stuff up or jacking other people's hard earned money like East Orange.

I feel the Handbooks should be equal for Students and Faculty, because Education is an equal plain and a privilege, not a right. I find I am spieling from a More Conservative World, namely when we had things under control.

I feel any "The Collar" with Women and Children should be a deterrer from making money. I'd grow in the era when the Shop, the Track, the Field, the Uniform, the Booth is a privilege and not a right.

Even though I'd sound as redundantized as W's Speech Writers, but, I feel like we are not in a Conservative World, or Love Songs.

I feel Public Education at its Bread Basket is as Rusty and Uncouth like someone who'd need to perform all the time. And, I'd feel at a certain point, which I would say 12-13 or Elementary or Middle School, the expulsion process should ramp up.

I do think having to pay 3rd Paydays is necessary, but, I do think there's having no substitute for real employment and home rule.

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