Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Storming Area 51 is not a Good Idea

I feel this is necessary because we have so much Dark and Fake that the Light and the Real are not able to breathe. Storming Area 51 is not a good idea because it is an Air Force Base and just because we have more Government Property West of Denver doesn't mean its okay to Storm the Field.

People work too hard to just to see people storm the field. Even though vitriol is everywhere and hard work is hardly to be found does not make it okay.

Roswell is a federally protected property, too, and we had to go back and forth even to let filming of a series to happen. The military is in the worst shape ever and some of our Public School bellweathers are getting weathered and worse for wear.

It is not fun to see preservation get lost, and the erosion of Space and Air Forces cannot keep passing. They cannot keep passing with a 50-50 Leadership.

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