Saturday, October 15, 2016

Seeing No Humor in Nigel Hayes "Broke Badger" Sign

Frankly, if I where me, I'd stay steaming lobsters from the North Atlantic to Dinner until the truth says otherwise. That is how I feel right now.

Frankly, I'd feel livid enough to fry chickens by the buckets over Nigel Hayes "Broke Badger" Sign. I love Madison and Wisconsin, but, this is not an issue on love or hate.

I'm badgered over why a subsection of Student Athletes want what I'd section as "Impermissable Benefits" and that double crosses me the wrong way. I think Commissioner Delany feels equally as salty on entitlement righteousness.

I don't see no comedy in dragging down "Collective Bargaining" to Student Athletes.  This is NOT the Faculty Election and a bunch of no names rise to the top. We barely have unions and deunionization has done its course, if it hasn't already.

Wisconsin's Basketball Department has been a circus and a zoo. This is NOT Tommy Bartlett and you cannot be both a Circus and a Zoo. The Wisconsin Man and his family take too much pride to be held down, and if it was found Nigel Hayes ran like Nigel Mansell over this noise, his draft position would read "STANK".

Frankly, where'd I want to throw my way around is for Commissioner Delany buy out Nebraska, Penn State, Rutgers and Maryland. This is not trying to buy out Les Miles after Lambeau, but, it helped. I feel furious Maryland underfunded through the student body the Title IX Office, which is SAFETY for Women Athletes and the ability to hire Women and Minority Women Coaches for Women Athletes.

This is more loaded than my normal blogs, because I feel the meltdown of the Great State of Wisconsin fell on Scott Walker and frankly, if everyone's paid 10 Million to stay at home, the Social Services hits are when, not if.

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