Saturday, October 8, 2016

Taking a Stance in Firing Chad Kelly

I am not impressed with Chad Kelly "buying" a position at Ole Miss. And, to be flip about it, it's his 3rd College Stop. And, I think his actions last night need to warrant firing from The University of Mississippi.

Hugh Freeze is seeing a program slide out of hand, and out of his hands, too.

Other than not being able to replace his recruits, like 4 or 5 Star Recruits are naive enough to be impressed, or 25 Mississippians who want to stay home.

2 Meltdowns, Academic Fraud left and right, loans and dope galore. I think LSU Week is a sloppy mess at this rate and it can't be fixed. And, what's wilder, is too many kids want to be millionaires and not academic all anything.

Jim Kelly doesn't have 15 More Years in seeing Buffalo win their first world title since 1965. I am saying here is there are too many A-Rods who want to ride other people vs. do themselves and the chill here is Chad Kelly would have problems looking believable, much less winning the Super Bowls his uncle lost.

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