Saturday, April 15, 2023

Andrew Tate is a Dangerous Man

 Andrew Tate is a Dangerous Man and Celebrity is a Privilege, Not a Right. I feel that if it was here in Marion, I would have been Barking at the Moon like Ozzie for Justice. What is not harmless is Celebrity is a Privilege, Not A Right.

We'd go about Celebrity like it was at Target and not everyone has a handle on Overnight or Long Term Celebrity. I hate going to be the Beck and Call Out as opposed to being the Bubble like Indianapolis, but, someone has to do it.

What Andrew Tate is a Serial Rapist. That phrase is more pointed than Cancer to Some People, but, I'd feel rotten we have had a Serial Liar and a Rapist or Rapists in Charge of the Free World like it is new.

Frankly, it is not new. What Interpol has to do is Free Up Women's Justice the Same Way as Sadaam Hussein's Verdict in the 2000's. And, we where the Year of the Woman and the Year of the Child interchangeably in the 1990's.

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