Friday, April 14, 2023

Deuce Robertson Still Is On The Loose

 I feel that Colorado always drops the Bag When it Comes to Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment and it is a 3rd World Campus. Not a knock, but, True Life. I feel that they should lower the clamps on Anthony "Deuce" Robertson before he gets on the loose.

The truth is, he is On The Loose. He is not allowed near Colorado or any Colorado Buffalo, but, what Buffaloes Me, for all intents and purposes, is this is a Nick Caracci Nightmare and then some.

What Deion has brought with the Saturday Night Lights is the fact Non-Violence is not one of them. I'll get on my Horse and Beat USC, but, including Miami, being Obsessive Compulsive Liars is Colorado's Brand.

This is one Saturday Night Special that no one wants a part of, and I feel the Athletic Director's Holdup is speaking louder than words.

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