Sunday, April 16, 2023

Not Having Game Day in Cedar Rapids Hurts Everybody!

 In response to the Veterans Memorial Stadium Burglary and Vandalism, I feel mad that Not Having Game Day in Cedar Rapids Hurts Everybody! The ostentation hurts and stings, especially if Burlington and Clinton where not able to have Full Season Minor League Baseball after 2020.

What really hurts, is amid other things, Vandalism is a Side Effect, if not the main ingredient of a Drug Culture and worse than a Drug Culture, no one Driving the Car, or even being interested in Servicing the Car. 

I feel that a lot of the Kernels's Base is Blue Collar Wild West Siders and the lassos on Ingredion Last Christmas have an effect on Dining Out, Kernels and Roughriders, Jefferson and the Collar, and my favorite, Jobs, particularly my own I had at Fong's.

No one driving the Car has an Injury on Our Education Culture, where not that long ago, Washington had a Lasso on District Swimming and MVC Championships. Our Sports Culture is Very, Very Inconsistent and that is on our best days.

Frankly, I am antsy and this is not the Image a 60 Plus Michelle Martinko, if she was here, would want to see. We haven't won since the few last days before "Friends", and my friends are harder to find, too.

The image we have is a PROBLEM and a big one at that, and I feel its too much a Door, Window and a Whole House. We don't tolerate gimmicks, much to my chagrin on some things, but, we don't see an out or $ for Replacement.

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