Thursday, April 13, 2023

The 2048 Diet and The Renee Diet

 I feel that I would do a Double Post, especially on the 2048 Diet and the Renee Diet. I am not a Dietician, and it shows.

What shows on the 2048 Diet is wanting to leave 2023 Better than 1998, and the reactions to things not going our way is out and out too much. What is too much, too, is we'd throw money institutionally down the drain for people who at most make 10 to 15 Years at Best.

The Renee Diet calls out what the Olympics Should Be: Winning With Honor, and Winning With Integrity. Instead, Olympic Sports is lost in the Big Business Trap, and that traps Women in a Big Way.

It would be a little too charitable to say The Olympic Diet like The Subway Diet or The Supercross Diet, but, I'd remark the Olympic Hero that called Out Dr. Nassar's Generation Joyride for Good.

Frankly, most of us are Hungry and Angry and I would want a 50 Cent leading to 10 Other Things in my Future Life. The other part of Winning With Honor and Integrity is Competing With Honor and Integrity.

This wouldn't be the first (or last time) I'd Rib Medicine, but, having to Overdo Medicine would cause People to Behave Differently and Counter its True Purpose like Weightlifting where the Only Good Thing is You Going for a New High.

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