Saturday, April 15, 2023

Being a Role Model For Kids is Crucial

 I feel this eats me up that we'd have an Overrun of Media and Celebrity and having to be Role Models for Kids is Crucial. I don't have to swear just to swear, but, kids do pick up on that. 

Sports is about Character and I feel that Character gets us out of the house. Instead, we confuse Character with Characters and that is an issue.

I am not proud of everything and I feel that the things that need Work are Women and the Environment. Instead, we'd have a Substance Abuse Rate here in Cedar Rapids of 40 Percent, which thins out Jobs and Money.

That rate upsets Families and puts us on to Money. I do not mind Money, but, what I do mind is the "Oh Boy, Money!" Ethic like we have to be Buddy The Elf July 18th and that grates our Bodies and Minds. We'd already have our Minds Grated like Wisconsin Cheese and our Bodies are not much better.

That leads to the Soul and the Soul would not take Fresh Ways to Spin RICO or Narcolepsy like we'd need another reason to be at home. The moral is do not be a Nut, or it would be harder to get money.

All three need repair and the Wings keep Crashing and literally, no one knows why. After a while, you'd have to keep digging something other than your Heels, and that is saying a lot.

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