Sunday, April 23, 2023

Is Jonathan Majors Throwing Out Being Denzel Washington and Marvel to the Curb?

 I do not like being Charley Steiner to the Blogging Community, but, what I feel is Jonathan Majors is Throwing Out Being Both Denzel Washington and Marvel to the Curb. I'd feel Denzel is the better example because he actively sought out Meaty Roles and did them better.

This is not a Hollywood Blog and that Jonathan Majors's Major Pains is causing more problems than it solves. I'd feel that casting is hard enough in positive times, but, we have not been too far removed from the Pandemic and #MeToo in Recent Times.

What I would feel is Disney does not like Crisis in their Mickey Mouse Club and frankly, I'd feel the clubhouse is getting a little too crowded.

For every time I'd see a Black Actor who'd be en route to the Next Denzel, they'd do something inappropriate to throw that chance in the Garbage. And, it is not a comfortable thought.

I'd feel the Star Making Machine is Broken and everyone's accepted it as opposed to repaired it, and that is dangerous. I'd feel we are in Denial over the Star Machine and that has not been for 1 Year or 2 Years, but for Years.

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