Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Why Not Merge Hayward and Autzen at Oregon?

Oregon is already World Class and an Olympic Factory, usurping Texas. But, I feel why not merge Hayward and Autzen at Oregon into One Facility? To be fair, I feel like I'd want to see an Oregon Dome to make such a facility exist.

Like it or not, Oregon has bled to where a Florida was before this and a Notre Dame was before that. And, conceptually, I feel we ran into Different Phases of Oregon like Masons. It ain't pretty, and we run out of Overdone before we get no chance to enjoy it.

It is not a popular subject, and I feel there needs to subject the A Main Facilities as much as the Practice Facilities. And, what is messed up, people will be needing reasons to get to The Pacific Northwest anyway.

And, Florida owns the O-Dome Marks, and I feel like that is not going to Quack in the Northwest. But, I feel there has to be more than one single donor as the weights of Donor Fatigue are cracking in the Pacific Northwest.

Would Donor Fatigue deter anyone from Going West? And, I feel that is a serious issue that needs a glaring answer in the future.

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