Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Cy Vance's Actions Make for a "Law and Order" Miniseries

Granted, I have no patience for sheningans. To make matters even worse, I'd want even more action than TNN Country on Law and Order. And, I am boiling like a red hot lobster over Cy Vance's Actions for deterring prosecutions of the Trump Children and The Weinsteins.

The reality about both is it is not Al Davis. And, I feel like I am not thrilled, to say it gently, Let's Cast Sehorn, Mariska, Masterson, and  Ice T while we are at it. And, I am less amused that we are not easy going and even lesser amused we have our worst Fall in Entertainment since 1982.

I feel we are found to be incapable or worse on justice and that is not good. And, I feel loathy and frothy that the times aren't any better. But, I doubt we'd turn into pixies just to magically appeared.

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