Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Is Colin Kaepernick Hijacking the NFL and Pro Football?

I feel with Colin Kaepernick, the Story hijacking the NFL and Pro Football for 2 Seasons Now, I feel Colin Kaepernick, the Person, is hijacking the NFL and Pro Football and not in a good way.

I feel even if we didn't have the Presidental Election as a backdrop, we'd charge Colin Kaepernick with Business Disturbance. To be frank, we would have charged Eziekel Elliott the same as his career and money crashed.

I wish there was a seriously educated and sober personality who didn't dance around the issue. And, to be honest, there are things we can't run away from even if we had a fuller Arena Football and af2 Again. What it is it be one thing is someone was injured or something else if they where not given a fair shake. But, no, this is an issue of bad meets worse and instead of working hard, Colin Kaepernick still is using the media as a severe tempertantrum warning.

I know everything is everywhere and we are far from over with heavyweight subpoenas. To be honest, I wish the academics or the real adult sized adults tried, for a change, to be the editorial board like it deters some electorial candidates. I'm sure we will get a North or West Texas Owner of the Dallas Cowboys again, and the San Diego Chargers, Houston Oilers and the Baltimore Colts back, because I feel we need long hard talks about presentation with those of us who actually care to be here vs. raising tempertantrums and violencs.

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