Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Operation Revival of the Mack: Returning the Dallas Cowboys to Elite Stratusphere

I feel the Dallas Cowboys need to at least not leave Draft Day to chance ever again. What I Feel is Zeke is the biggest non-factor factor, which is not good. What is less good is weak coaching is wasting the program worse than before.

I think without any real ado, if we really hired away Pulaski Academy's Kevin Kinney, the only thing we'd resolve is the exit route out of Little Rock and the Rock would need good self-esteem, but, in the end of the day, presentation is still out of whack. Granted, going from High School to the Pros as a Coach would be cosmic and wildly different.

I'm due for Dallas to be King of the Road again. While we are due, I doubt just hopping between Houston or anyone else that is not really rocking the boat either way is going to help. And, there is a lot of Dallas-Fort Worth System, but, what is not fair is there is not ways to keep them Texas until they are gone and then some.

What is demeaning is there is not incentive to say "He is a Dallas Cowboy". And, the flagrancy is there are too many Football Players trying to prolong their career as Dallas Cowboys. I'm not talking about it like they won 2 Wins every year, but, I feel if they drafted acrobats, they'd be no better than anyone else. But, I feel we are owed better than platitudes and beer.

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