Friday, October 27, 2017

Let's Get Serious About Reviving The Houston Oilers

I feel like wanting to get serious about reviving the Houston Oilers on the National Football League Football Field of Play. And, to frankly restore continunity and family of Houston Across America.

I feel today's Football and Sports miss advocacy and reform. And, the bad thing, is the name on the jersey lasts longer than his career. And, I feel wanting to revive the Houston Oilers just to take easier stock of their Football History.

And certainly, since we can't have the Astrodome as a Gateway Arch, I feel like wanting it to be Houston's Valley Ranch, or include the demolition of the Astrodome to Michigan Stadiumize a rare expansion of NRG Stadium.

I feel if we revive the Houston Oilers, everyone in Houston and Southeast Texas would be on that train like Mumbai. It would literally be bumper to bumper and wall to wall.

I feel let's make it easier to put this year in the past if the Adamses are dismissed from the Tennessee Titans and find a Nashville Owner who cares about Nashville and the Titans and has last rights to call it what colors he wants it to be.

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