Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Not the Return of the "Super League Liner"?

I've felt the years since Sir Alex Ferguson helmed the Manchester United have been more corporate and fanboyed out with limited return. I don't mean like Corporate to Genesis of Generation X's Bad Behavior, but, some form of restoration and sterlingness.

The English Premier League and the UEFA Champions League has their tentacles by the toe, but, I feel very strongly about approaching Sports Future with the Actual Sports in Hand.

No one really knows where the Super League Liner was parked or if the parts are junked , but, the ribaldiality is England is not even coming close to putting Home Players on their Home Powerhouses.

It would spare trouble and embarassment later on, but,the Premier has became a London League, and not necessarily a North-South League. I don't know if the futures will develop, but, I am kicking around key ideas for Premier or other British Soccer Future.

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