Wednesday, November 6, 2019

11062019 College Football Bonus Game and Playoff Board

Rutgers  2-7 0 11 10 22-43  3-7

Princeton 7-0 21 0 0 0-21   7-1

"The Sesquentennial Jubilee Comeback"

11062019 Playoff Board
3 Cincinnati
6 Appalachian U.
11 Ohio U.
14 Ohio State

2 Baylor
7 Clemson
10 Notre Dame
15 San Diego State

4 Louisiana Tech
5 Boise State
12 Memphis
13 LA-Lafayette

1 Minnesota
8 Oregon
9 Alabama
16 Virginia

In the Dark Heat of the next 41 Days, I wonder who will we know who's in the Playoffs?

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