Sunday, November 3, 2019

Play Teacher Worship

I would be ribald enough if we really, really acheived junking Background Checks to where we'd have Actors and Jobbers among other things filling out skilled roles.

I would love to know the employment history of Peter Griffin, and that would be neck and neck with Homer Simpson. It would be funny and sad to have, "Here, I'd need things, so I am playing your leader."

Whales, President Ryans and having to make obscenities of cash don't always work. I doubt the WWE would handle if the AEW got its first Network TV Package and the sad part is the Federation has more of a Sports Radio Vibe.

The indignities of electing Quagmire would be comedic and tragic. We elected Quagmire in Ukraine and everyone who is eager to learn is running with those who are Eager to Learn.

I'd think the biggest thing of the next President would be giving away Money and More Money to balance out the Universe and trust me, kids, we'd need all that to shake our tree.

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