Friday, November 1, 2019

Mercurial Talents are not worth the Problems

I want to start this Friday Morning Off with Mercurial Talents are not worth the problems. For as much Gable Steveson left with being a hair from being NCAA Champion, but, there is reason he is not on Minnesota's Most Prized Merchandise, their posters. I feel guilty as an adult for all this noise we get stuck with Todd Marinovich's really rocking the Commissioner's Office.

I don't know if the Expulsion Process was meant to keep those who want to be focused focused. I can't fix the Bond Problems, I can't make my favorite theories happen like their healthy, I can't fix the problem who wants to throw every dollar that is not his at things, I can't fix why we lost a 800,000 Student Leader, and I can't fix the fact our last 18 Months have been arrear and we knew this, but, there is no equalizer of a Youth/Young Adult Pop Culture to cancel out the Dangerous Liasons.

Let's try to think things over and think about 1977, 1982, 1992, or 1997 Mom Problems. The 1987 Mom would not have things go well from top to bottom and I don't think the front or back channel to either of those 2 are doing better. It's no better than Jim and Robert Yates being 8 People and the bank is on their case for returns.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, and I'd rather see Ole Miss at the Rose Bowl.

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