Saturday, November 4, 2017

Tennessee Can't Just Cave to the Robin Miller of the Southland

I feel Tennessee can't just cave to Albert Haynesworth, The Robin Miller of the Southland just to pay a ransom to ESPN to pry John Gruden from Howard Cossell's Monday Night Football beat. Dayton or Notre Dame is not sticking their neck open for Chucky Gruden, even though Notre Dame has stuck their necks out before for him.

If we had to buy Hamilton Tickets or Bet on who's the Tennessee Volunteers Coach like Powerball through our state lottery, it would be fun-un. But, I feel what is not funny is making 1 to 1 favorites when they have no business being one.

But, I feel the names will willy away and I am sure we'd get Tee Martin and T4T2 in the process.  And, Albert Haynesworth is the reason why you got a GM out of hiding and be the cause of Kirk Cousins getting traded and the whole  reason everyone knew RGIII's salary and dwarved him and his ex-wife Wedding Gifts.

Generation Gaps are everywhere, even though we would not be promised our real leaders in the Fall of 2025. But, I feel is Tennessee going about being Careless and the titles I'd want to hear are SEC Champions and National Champions.

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