Sunday, November 26, 2017

I feel Mississippi State would never get Over Losing Mullen

I feel there is no real Code of Conduct when hype and cash are back to back on people mind, but, Mississippi State would never get over Losing Dan Mullen like it took them a ton over losing Royal to American History and Texas. And, for Mississippi Revenueres, it feels like Doomsday and Boomsday back to back like Meek Mill earned his Puck.

And, it smashes Eastern Mississippi to its bones if the fact they can't handle Mullen being pulled out of state! And, I feel like Scott Stricklin has everything to do with everything that we can play the Tina Turner if we want to, but, the real village misfit that should be ripe for dismissal is Ross Bjork.

Mississippi State IS NOT Arizona State! Swag comes, swag goes, money comes, money goes, but, once the severance is autographed, there is no turning around more than Yo Gotti! I am emotional in my advocacy because it never was Rich Rod, but, I sense the Runaway Train can't be stopped even from my Marion.

But, the sadness, is it will take longer for Mississippi State to find their overdue SEC Championship like an International Airport was built in Starkville. I feel fortune is hard to make, but it should be enjoyed. And, just because Texas and Oklahoma down don't mean everyone flock to Texas Tech and Mississippi State like Iowa City, but, in reality, just because you had Jackie Sherill and Emory Ballard, The Big Shootout Hero after Texas A and M twice and under NCAA Storms, and I feel Losing Mullen would yank an advocate like Bud Wilkinson in Oklahoma.

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