Friday, April 12, 2019

Ohio State's Michigan Dominance is Reaching into the Northeast, too.

Ohio State's Michigan Dominance is reaching into the Northeast, too, because, historically, if it wasn't their school in the Northeast, it would be Michigan. Not only fumbling away a Legit Big Ten Championship in the Most Winniable Michigan Ohio State Game in History, but, fumbling legit assistants, too.

The jaws of the Big Game could not be localized, especially when Ohio State won a Rare Hockey Winter Championship. Berenson had command of Winter Sports unlike anyone, and everyone in Michigan act like they won the Conference last year. (In reality, it was 2004.)

I feel like having to say the Non-Interim Hex in Michigan vs. Ohio State has been bordering on more discomfort. I feel will we turn the tables in a later year when the Floyd of Rosedale got Full National Treatment instead?

Harbaugh was NOT a K-12 Michigan School Product. And, even if we did have a K-12 Michigan School Product helm the Wolverines through every weather, it would not be as simple as Techwood.

Even though the Southeast and Texas get more air time, but, I feel it is the area that is more well rounded away from our home that needs even the time of day.

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